At Minden we consider homework to be a valuable learning experience for students. Students are encouraged to attempt homework, in particular reading, maths concepts, and planned parts of longer term tasks and assignments to build study skills.
Homework should not be overly challenging nor be the cause of relationship issues between the teacher and student or within families.
Teachers at Minden recommend homework for students and endeavour to make it
purposeful (consolidation of concepts and skills presented in class)
achievable (at the student’s ability level and within reasonable timeframes - 10 to 15 minutes for Years 1 to 3, 15 to 20 minutes for Years 4 and 5, 20 to 30 minutes for Years 6 +.)
interesting (presented in a variety of formats that supports various student learning styles)
At the beginning of each term, teachers convey their homework expectations via Class Dojo or a note home.