Parent-Teacher Interviews
Formal Parent-Teacher Interviews are available in Term 2 and Term 4, well before Report Cards are released at the conclusion of each semester. This is a wonderful opportunity to discuss your child's learning with their teacher and receive important feedback about their progress. The newsletter provides details regarding dates and times.
Knowing what goes on in your child’s school and figuring out the best way to communicate with school staff can assist parents / carers to be effective in supporting their child.
Forms of Communication at Minden State School include:
Class Dojo - is an effective two-way communication facility between school and parents / carers. We have a 98% take-up rate from parents who enjoy hearing about what happens at school on a daily basis.
Our Facebook page
Assembly- All parents are invited to join us at 2:30pm every second Friday for our whole-school assembly. Check out the Minden School Calendar or the Office Noticeboard for specific dates.
Raising Concerns
At Minden, we value respectful and open communication between parents / carers and staff. From time to time, parents / carers may have a concern arising from matters that occur in the school. We believe these concerns are best addressed by following the procedure below:
Arrange a mutually convenient interview time with your child’s teacher. They are best placed to address parents' / carers' concerns and help resolve issues. Teachers are not always available to meet "on the spot". An appointment booking form is available from the school office or from your child's teacher.
Allow the teacher sufficient time to prepare for the meeting.
Clarify issues involved in the concern at the beginning of the meeting.
Share available information about the issue. Information about other students and staff cannot be discussed on the basis of confidentiality.
Give the teacher an opportunity to provide information in relation to the issue.
Take steps to resolve the concern. This may involve having more than one meeting with the teacher. Even if a resolution does not occur this is a useful exchange of information.
An appointment to meet with the Principal may be possible once the above steps have been taken and a resolution has not been reached. The Principal will gather information from the teacher prior to a meeting to ensure concerns are adequately considered.