Our approach to teaching and learning in the early years is a combination of Explicit Instruction and Walker Learning, based on the work of renowned early childhood educator, Kathy Walker. Our early years program provides children with rich opportunities to learn through a mix of active investigation alongside explicit, formal instruction.
We are committed to developing children who are not only strong in their literacy and numeracy, but who can also think for themselves, solve problems, and be creative and imaginative whilst developing independence and a sense of responsibility. Our indoor and outdoor environments allow children to explore and research in a range of ways that link their own interests to the Australian Curriculum.
Our early years teaching and learning approach is guided by the following principles:
All teaching is intentional.
Not all children are ready to learn the same thing at the same time in the same way.
Children’s interest, culture and context are respected and used to develop approximate and relevant learning experiences in conjunction with the Australian Curriculum.
Research regarding child development is used as a basis for guiding learning experiences matched to the individual child.
The process of learning new knowledge and developing skills is valued - not just the end product.
Intrinsic (not extrinsic) motivation is valued and embedded in practice.
The adult/child relationship is highly valued and nurtured.